xy_nnn_hop Function

public pure function xy_nnn_hop(layout, S, i) result(Ni)

Return the i-th next-nearest neighbor of a lattice site, by taking two xy_nn_hops in the suitable direction. You can feed any i ∈ ℤ, but you can get only 6 inequivalent neighbors, depending on the label of the given site: "A" and "B" activate two different suitable sets of NN hops, A lattice layout is required to build the concrete hoppings.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(unit_cell), intent(in) :: layout
type(xy_site), intent(in) :: S
integer, intent(in) :: i

Return Value type(xy_site)


proc~~xy_nnn_hop~~CallsGraph proc~xy_nnn_hop xy_neighbors::xy_nnn_hop proc~xy_nn_hop xy_neighbors::xy_nn_hop proc~xy_nnn_hop->proc~xy_nn_hop proc~ith_a_offset xy_neighbors::ith_A_offset proc~xy_nn_hop->proc~ith_a_offset proc~ith_b_offset xy_neighbors::ith_B_offset proc~xy_nn_hop->proc~ith_b_offset