ith_B_offset Function

private pure function ith_B_offset(layout, i) result(offset)

Compute the offset vector connecting a site with label "B", to its i-th neighbor, returning a (scalar) xy coordinate. It takes any i ∈ ℤ, but there will only be 3 inequivalent output vectors, pointing to the three nearest neighbors.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(unit_cell), intent(in) :: layout
integer, intent(in) :: i

Return Value type(xy)

Called by

proc~~ith_b_offset~~CalledByGraph proc~ith_b_offset xy_neighbors::ith_B_offset proc~xy_nn_hop xy_neighbors::xy_nn_hop proc~xy_nn_hop->proc~ith_b_offset proc~xy_nnn_hop xy_neighbors::xy_nnn_hop proc~xy_nnn_hop->proc~xy_nn_hop